
The Christian Soldier: An Exposition of Ephesians 6:10–20 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Volume 8, Chapter 6:10–20: The Christian Soldier The Apostle Paul never stops at mere diagnosis of our ills and problems. He always goes on to reveal their true nature and character, and shows us how to act with this knowledge to fight the good fight. In this final volume, Lloyd-Jones details Ephesians’ spiritual warrior. He discusses the call to battle, morale, discipline, the whole armor of...

interested in his own righteousness and integrity; but he is interested in this other righteousness. This alone can defend him; here is the thing that can keep him safe—‘the righteousness of God which is by faith’. In defining exactly what this means we cannot do better than accept the definition of this ‘righteousness of God which is by faith’ which was always taught by those who are certainly the master-teachers in this particular subject, the Protestant Reformers and their noble successors the
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